Sunday, November 13, 2011

Pathwise Plan and Reflection After Teaching

Pathwise Instruction Plan
Teacher: Sarah Qualls
Mentor: Lauren Sahmel
Grade: 1st and 2nd Multi-age
Co-Teaching Method: One Teach, One Observe (During Instruction, then Parallel teaching during Independent practice). 
Subject: Science
Topic: Life Cycles 
1. Learning Objectives
What Standards (National or State) is this lesson targeting? (The standard(s) provides your ultimate learning goal your students are working towards)
*SC.2.L.14.1 - Distinguish human body parts (brain, heart. lungs, stomach, muscles and skeleton) and their basic functions. 
*SC.2.L.16.1 - Observe and describe major life stages in the life cycles of plants and animals, including beans and butterflies. 
What are your objectives for student learning in this lesson?  That is, what do you intend students to learn?  What will students be able to do as a result of this lesson? Be sure to think through how it relates to your standards/ultimate goal.
*Students will engage and perform in “Body Parts Dance,” following along with corresponding kinetic movements that correspond with sung instructions. 
*Students will create life-size body parts poster, labeling each body part: brain, heart, lungs, stomach, muscles and skeleton with 100% accuracy. 
*Students will be able to verbalize the 4 basic stages of the life cycle of humans with 100% accuracy.  
Target Students’ Specific Objectives - 
-M.K - Student M.K. will be able to correctly spell and write each body part label as modeled on the Smartboard.  
-K.K. - Student K.K. will engage in “Body Parts Dance,” with correct, appropriate motions, as lyrics suggest.
-H.M. - Student H.M. will be able to correctly echo read body part labels after placing them on his body parts poster. 
Why have you chosen these objectives? How do they relate to your curriculum and to your students’ current progress?
*Science is the only subject within our classroom that completely integrates both grade levels.  Throughout each unit, a combination of first and second grade standards are taught to give second grade a progressing integration into higher leveled concepts and a review on lowered ones.  The first graders benefit from such a mixed model by receiving an introduction to advanced concepts along with a leveled progression of first grade ones.  
Life cycles are a concept within the 2nd grade curriculum that both grade levels have been learning about for approximately 2 weeks, prior to implementation of this day’s lesson.  
The objectives presented within this lesson are designed to review previously introduced concepts, such as the “Body Parts Dance”, which targets parts such as: eyes, head, ears, mouth, arms, etc.  This song and dance will serve as an interactive “hook” to engage students in the days lesson as well as an informal assessment of prior knowledge.  
Creating the life size body parts posters will allow for students to practice the concept of labeling as well as demonstrate learning of the body parts introduced within the SmartBoard lesson.  It will serve as an engaging and interactive way to for students to showcase learning.  
Verbalization of the four stages of a human life cycle will be conducted as teachers monitor student progress during independent practice.  It will serve as a quick, individualized progress monitoring to ensure that children were able to relate the day’s lesson to their previous lessons on life cycles. 
This lesson is vital to the students’ work in science because of the huge connection that the human body has to their greater study on life cycles.  Life cycles will be studied throughout the majority of the nine weeks and relate heavily to students’ understanding of the world around them.  
Target Students Objective Rationales - 
-M.K. - This students in far below grade level in both reading and writing.  One major area of struggle is her illegible handwriting and spelling.  This objective, specific for her, will allow her to strengthen and focus her handwriting skills.   
-K.K. - This student, as noted in the Child Study, has extreme distractibility and attention struggles.  He struggles to exercise self control and maintain attention during most activities.  While the dance will allow for kinetic movement, which is an area of strength for K.K., a major milestone for this student would be to focus on specific motions that relate to the lyrics rather than random motions.  
-H.M. - This student struggles greatly with reading abilities.  Fluency is an area that we have been targeting within his small group work.  The vocabulary words within this lesson should be able to be echo-read upon completion of independent practice, due to repeated readings and creation of life size body parts poster. 
2. Content Knowledge
What is the underlying content knowledge that you must help the students to understand?
What are the tricky pieces in the content?  When you deconstruct the content you are teaching, what are the pieces that are essential for children to understand? Are there individual students who you anticipate will have difficulty with any of these pieces?
*The underlying content that must be understood prior to this lesson is the concept of life cycles.  This is an important standard within the lesson, but one that will only be briefly discussed due to the prior experience that the students will have had with the topic. However, if one of the students does not have a clear understanding of the concept, this section could present some confusion.  
*Also, the vocabulary within this lesson can prove tricky for students that hold little previous knowledge of more advanced body parts.  Instruction must be engaging and explicit when introducing and reinforcing vocabulary within this lesson.  
*Thus far, the students that I anticipate having some trouble with this lesson are essentially the target students previously mentioned.  Their individual objectives will allow for attainable goal achievement.  
3. Student Grouping
How will you group students for instruction? Why have you chosen this grouping? How have individual students affected this grouping decision?
*Students will be grouped in whole group for the opening and guided practice portions of this lesson.  Independent practice will be completed in pairs.  Students are accustomed to both grouping styles within each of their lessons.  The whole group setting allows for active engagement of the SmartBoard and for all students to engage with material.  Paired groupings during independent practice will allow for small group work and collaboration as each students creates their own poster.  They will be able to cooperate on the assignment through conversation and sharing of ideas. 
4. Methods
What teaching method(s) will you use for this lesson?
Why have you chosen this method or these methods? What individual students affected these methods decisions?
*For the Opening of this lesson, students will be in the direct instruction, whole group setting, but will be engaging in an interactive song and dance to access prior knowledge on the topic of simple body parts.  A great number of the students, especially K.K. influenced the implementation of kinetic movement during this phase of the lesson. 
*During the Explicit and Guided Practice, students will be engaging in the interactive SmartBoard and practicing the skills targeted within the lesson.  Each student will have at least one opportunity to complete a task on the board and then choose a fellow classmate to participate.  All tasks are interactive and will allow for students to demonstrate learning. 
*During Independent Practice, students will be in pairs because of the interactive and collaborative aspect that this method offers.  They will be completing individual work, but will be interacting and exchanging ideas with one another to achieve higher order thinking.  This portion will be differentiated by the pairs that students will be grouped in and the different assessment strategies that the students, namely the Target students will be engaging in.  
*My target students effected these methods by their unique learning styles and motivational needs, as highlighted in my Child Study. 
What students need differentiation in this lesson in order to be successful?
*K.K., M.K.,H.M 
How will you differentiate for these student needs?
*K.K. - This student will need to be paired with a student that is highly focused and self-motivated.  Any student with even minor distractibility can lead K.K. off task and therefore, a self-driven student is usually the best match for this student.  
*M.K. - This student has a great deal of trouble expressing her learning in writing. To allow her to demonstrate her learning, while the other students will be expected to write descriptions to accompany their labels, this student will be able to achieve by only writing the labels legibly and with correct spelling, which will be modeled.  
*H.M. - This student will have an additional assessment to demonstrate fluency and understanding of the vocabulary introduced.  He struggles a great deal with reading and reinforcing his learning of specific science vocabulary with individualized instruction will allow him to gain confidence and a better understanding of the content.  During independent practice, we will work on echo-reading the vocabulary labels.  
5. Activities
What activities have you planned? There should be clear alignment between your activities, your objectives, your evaluation strategies, and your methods and grouping.
Activities Time Allowed
5 minutes 
Teacher will begin by introducing students to the topic of learning about humans, our life cycle and body parts. Teacher will ask students what body parts they already know about and then discuss that they will be listening to a song that will review the body parts we already know.  Teacher will explain that the song is very fun and that students will be able to dance to it, however they must follow along with the lyrics and move the individual body parts that the song discusses.  Furthermore, all students will not be required to dance, but must all stand and at least point to the part discussed in the lyrics. 
Body Parts Song by: Have Fun Teaching  
These are the parts of my body 
From my head to my toes 
I’m gonna move each body part 
And say it, here we go 
I move my head 
I move my eyes 
I move my nose 
I move my ears 
I move my mouth 
I move my neck 
I move my shoulders 
I move my stomach 
I move my arms 
I move my elbows 
I move my hands 
I move my fingers 
I move my legs 
I move my knees 
I move my feet 
I move my toes
Teacher will model motions for students and informally observe to ensure each student is actively participating.
Main activity or activities:
SmartBoard Lesson - 25 minutes 
Slide 1 - Life Cycle Review
Teacher will go over past life cycles that have been studied by the class and go over characteristics of life cycles in general such as: the life cycle is never ending, most have four major stages, all of them show growth. 
Slide 2 - Human Life Cycle 
Teacher will discuss human life cycle, which has been previously discussed in class.  Slide will provide examples of what a human looks like at four major life stages - baby, child, teenager, adult.  
Slide 3 - Teacher Life Cycle
Students will fill in blank life cycle with picture of teacher at the four life cycle stages of her life: baby, child, teenager, adult. 
Slide 4 - Brain
Teacher will go over brief overview of brain locations and function.  Students will  practice firing neurons with interactive brain picture and discuss what the brain tells us to do.
Slide 5 - Heart
Teacher will discuss actual location and function of heart.  Students will listen to pumping heart and trace flow of blood through body on SmartBoard. 
Slide 6 - Lungs 
Teacher will discuss lung function and allow students to pump lungs on SmartBoard in and out and practice taking deep breaths, taking notice of body’s reaction to inhale and exhale.  
Slide 7 - Stomach
Teacher will discuss stomach location and ability to digest food.  Students will model adding food to stomach on SmartBoard.  
Slide 8 - Muscles 
Teacher will discuss how muscles are all over the body and control movement.  Students will work on moving interactive muscled man on SmartBoard and notice how they push and pull together to function.  They will also practice finding muscles on their own bodies.  
Slide 9 - Skeleton 
Students will observe skeleton and discuss functions.  SmartBoard activity will involve moving xray photos on top of appropriate location on human model. 
Slide 10 - Fill in The Body Parts Diagram
Students will work on labeling diagram as class that will mirror their own independent work.
Body Part Posters 25 minutes
Students will be paired up and asked to collect crayons, pencils and find a spot on the floor in the room.  Each student will be given a student sized piece of bulletin board paper.  One student will lie down on their back while their partner traces their outline with pencil.  Then the students will switch places.  After tracing, students will cut out their person.  They will each be given six labels to write discussed vocabulary words on each one.  Then, students will draw the inside of their body poster, modeling it after the one discussed together.  After drawing each body part, brain, lungs, heart, stomach, muscles, and skeleton, students will tape vocabulary labels in their proper place.  Then, they will fill in their posters with other parts of what makes them unique - i.e: hair, face, clothes, etc.  Students will work together to draw and place labels in their correct location.  Teachers will assist with questions and informally observe each students progress, clarifying misconceptions and confusions.  They will also ask each student to briefly verbalize the four life cycle stages of humans. Upon completion, students will hang their posters outside the classroom and inside for display.  Teacher will take their picture next to their hanging poster to use for parent blog. 
5 minutes
When students are finished with their independent practice, teacher will call class together for final discussion and review.  Students will discuss the body part learned today that they find most interesting and why.  They will also discuss good and bad points of the lesson for teacher reflection and improvement.  
Important questions to ask during the lesson that will a) push student thinking, and/or b) provide you with informal evaluation information:
*Where there any body parts in the song that you didn’t know?
Main Activities: 
*What stage of the life cycle are you at now? 
*What ages do you think correspond with each stage for the human life cycle? 
*What do you notice about how I, the teacher looked as a teenager and now as an adult? - elicit response - Growth slows between teenager and adult
*What does our brain help us do? 
*How does our skeleton help keep our body safe?
*What body part did you find the most interesting?
*Is there one that you would really like to learn more about?
*What about what we did today did you really like?
*What about today didn’t you like? 
What achievement motivation strategies are you planning?
*Using modeling and guided practice and additional time to scaffold students to success
*Using fun or game like activities to boost interest 
How are you communicating with students during the lesson? (2+ ways) How are students communicating during the lesson? (2+ ways)
Teacher to student
*Individual conferencing with students during independent practice to assess overall learning and life cycle stages.
Student to teacher
*Discussion and group conversation
*Interaction with SmartBoard lesson
What strategies are you planning for maximizing participation by each student? 
*Allowing for students to participate in a variety of ways ie: not every student has to dance if they don’t want to, but they can still participate by pointing to body parts.  
*Giving students an interactive and engaging activity that allows them to create their own  life sized poster. 
6. Materials
What instructional materials will you use, if any? Why have you chosen these specific materials? How have your students affected your materials decisions?
*SmartBoard lesson on Body Parts
*Body Parts Song
*White Bulletin Board Paper (19, child sized sheets)
*Markers, crayons, pencils
*Sentence strips cut into rectangles for vocabulary labels 
These materials were chosen because they allow for increased engagement and interaction amongst the class.  They will allow for children to be engaged throughout each section of the lesson with minimal passivity.  This group of students have shown to thoroughly enjoy artistic projects, as well. 
7. Evaluation
How and when do you plan to evaluate student learning on the content of this lesson? Do not forget about informal evaluation that should occur during the lesson.
*Students will be evaluated based on their participation of the “Body Parts” dance during the opening.  They will be evaluated through informal observation during the Main Activities, both in the SmartBoard lesson and independent practice.  They will also be evaluated on their completion and accuracy of their life size poster labeling as well as their verbalization of the four stages of the human life cycle.  
Target Students - 
M.K will be assessed with consideration of all other evaluations but with emphasis focusing on her handwriting legibility and proper spelling of vocabulary words.  The words will be spelled for all students to reference, but even the act of copying correct, legible spellings has proven difficult for this student.  We will have a brief conference on using our “very best handwriting” and the skills we have been honing so far such as sitting up straight and holding our pencil correctly.  
K.K. will be assessed again, with consideration of all evaluations but with emphasis on his ability to follow along with the song’s directions.  Listening and following directions is a major struggle that we have been working on with this student.  His academics are not affected severely by his lack of focus, but it does make tasks more time consuming and frustrating for him.  Working with him to focus on specific, short term tasks have been helping him set short term goals that are achievable.  
H.M. will be assessed with much of the same standards as the majority of the students but with an added emphasis on his ability to echo read the vocabulary words discussed within the lesson.  
Why have you chosen this approach to evaluation? How do your objectives align with these evaluation strategies? How did individual students affect these evaluation decisions?
The objectives of participation within the Body Parts song allow for the teacher to observe student prior knowledge of simple body parts that are the foundation for the lesson today.  Informal observation during the main activities will allow for the teacher to progress monitor and ensure that students are mastering content throughout progression of the lesson and thus allows for reteaching and additional scaffolding, if needed.  Evaluation of the life size posters will serve as the only formal assessment and will serve as a summative assessment of the entire lesson to gage understanding.  Verbalization of the life cycle stages of humans will ensure that students are able to connect this lesson with the previous ones on life cycles and that a bridge between the two concepts is reached.  

1. Did you depart from anything you planned for today?  If so, why?

Initially, I wanted for each student to create their own life size, body parts poster.  Unfortunately, my mentor teacher told me a few days before writing the lesson that she felt this would be too time consuming, so we put the students into pairs to complete the task, rather than individual groupings.  
2. Has anything that happened during this lesson influenced your evaluation plan?  If so, how and why?

Yes, I decided to evaluate student M.K. on her dedication to cooperation and the work that she specifically did on her partnership’s poster.  She was put in a frustrating group with a child that performed surprisingly poorly on this assignment and therefore the entire poster was not a true reflection of her learning.  
3. To what extent did the students learn what was intended?  How do you know?
As part of your answer indicate: 
In what ways were your teaching methods effective? How do you know?
In what ways were your activities effective? How do you know?
In what ways were the instructional materials effective? How do you know?
How did any special considerations of accommodations effect the lesson?
I believe that the students learned a great deal of the information presented.  The teaching methods were effective as determined by the level of student engagement throughout the lesson.  During all portions, students were enthusiastic about material and format of learning.   The activities again, were effective based on the student engagement throughout all activities and the level of success that the majority of the students showed through their work.  The implementation of the SmartBoard, posters and song were all materials that were very different in nature and thus allowed the students to engage in the material in a variety of ways.  I feel that they were highly effective based on student enjoyment and the achievement shown.  The specific objectives designed for my three target students allowed the two that were present on the day of the lesson to showcase their understanding in additional ways that have proven in the past to be challenging for them.  They responded very positively. 
4. Identify an individual or group of students who had difficulty in today’s lesson.  How do you account for this performance?  How will you help this (these) student(s) achieve the learning objectives?

Student Y.M. had a great deal of difficulty in the lesson today.  She is a student of high distractibility and normally needs a great deal of redirection.  This activity just provided too much stimulation for her to focus on the task at hand.  She was able to pay attention moderately during the dance portion, but had a huge amount of difficulty with the creation of the body parts poster.  
5. Identify an individual or group of students who did especially well in this lesson today.  How do you account for this performance?

Students C.M. and Z.F. showed a great deal of success with this lesson.  They were both able to work together and added in additional labels not required in this lesson but only discussed during the SmartBoard lesson.  I think that the hands on aspects of this lesson along with their interest level in the content accounts for their great accomplishment.  
6. If you were going to teach this lesson again to the same group of students, what would you do differently? (Consider: grouping, methods, materials, evaluation, activities)  Why? What would you do the same? Why?

If I were to teach this lesson again, I would reevaluate my pairing of students and spend more time considering all aspects of grouping styles.  A couple of the pairs were not as effective as I had hoped, while others went better than expected. I would keep all activities and teaching methods the same because they were effective for the majority of the students.  The students that struggled was due in part to their proximity to the teacher and the lowered level of structure that this activity provided, so I would increase that by putting these students closer to me and making sure that they were accommodated with and more structured setting.
7. Based on what happened in this lesson, what do you plan to teach next to this class? Be sure to explain how you will use information from this evaluation in future lesson planning.

After this lesson, I plan to continue our lessons on life cycles and offspring.  The students will learn the basic concept of life cycles in more depth and discuss how parents and offspring are different and similar.   This lesson showed that the students are capable and understood the same parts of their body that all humans share, so they are ready to interpret similarities and differences that all offspring have from their parents.

Critical Friends Notes

Analysis of Student Learning

Analysis of Student Learning 
  1. Student P.B. - This student normally performs exceptionally well in every task and was able to do so in this lesson during the independent activities.  Unfortunately, she had a little trouble engaging with her partner during the creation of the body parts posters.  Their finished work was not unsatisfactory, but their cooperation during this activity was disappointing.  Although my mentor teacher and I considered grouping styles prior to beginning this lesson, it seems we misjudged this particular student’s ability to mentor a lower leveled peer.  
  2. Student G.D. - This student performed on an excellent level throughout all parts of the lesson.  She interacted well with her partner, who was a second grader at a slightly lower level and a target student, H.M.  She demonstrated knowledge of all body parts and was able to recall the four stages of a human life cycle.  Her proximity to the SmartBoard during independent practice was fairly close and her partnership with this particular target student were clearly of benefit.
  3. Student Z.F. - This student performed exceptionally well on this lesson and was within the partnership that far surpassed teacher expectations.  This student, who normally has some trouble working well with others, performed amazingly well with this individual student, C.M.  Again, a lot of thought was put into groupings, so this was clearly one where efforts paid off.  In addition, the interest level of the subject matter for both students seemed to really propel their learning and success on this lesson.  Both said they loved learning about the human body and that they want to be doctors when they grow up.  
  4. Student L.G. - This student, who is of a normal lowered level ability and motivation, did very well during the collaborative poster creation portion of this lesson.  She was paired with student I.R., who also normally has lowered motivation.  My mentor teacher and I hoped that the two working together would allow for a relation between the two to begin and a spur of desire to achieve.  This seemed to be accomplished with this lesson, during this portion.  However, when it came to verbalization of the parts of the life cycle, this student did not perform as well as hoped.  She was much more competent with the mentoring of the other student to support her. 
  5. Student E.K. - This student failed to participate in the dance portion of the lesson.  This may be due to the fact that a number of the older boys in class usually chose to disengage and remain seated during musical activities. Although these students did participate, student E.K. did not.  In addition, he was paired with student P.B., which did not prove to be a suitable match.  He was also able to verbalize the stages of the life cycle at a 3 out of 4 rating.  I think that the level of the material, the grouping, and his social standing within the classroom attributed to his performance.  It must also be noted that he is a new student in our room.  
  6. Student M.K. - TARGET STUDENT - This student did very well during all portions of this lesson, especially within her specific objective of correctly spelling and writing each vocabulary word discussed.  She was put in a very difficult partnership with a student that had surprising difficulty with the creation of the body parts poster.  However, she demonstrated learning of all areas and during all parts of the lesson, through perseverance and dedication towards working through issues within the partnership.  She did very well with the partnership she was placed in.  
  7. Student K.K. - TARGET STUDENT - This student was unfortunately absent the day this lesson was implemented.  
  8. Student A.L. - This student performed excellent during the body parts song and recalling the four different life stages of a human life cycle.  She performed satisfactory during the independent portion of the lesson.  She was partnered with student D.M and while they successfully worked together to complete the poster, their final product left out one label and creation of one body part and had a misconception of correct location of muscles.  After probing, they realized their mistake.  I think that this can be attributed to their limited prior knowledge of the content. 
  9. Student T.L. - This student performed exceptionally well in the body parts dance and poster creation.  This students is one of our lower leveled students and normally has a great deal of trouble contributing during group activities.  However, the partnership worked very well and both students contributed to the creation of the poster.  This student performed satisfactory only when questioned on the human life cycle, and needed some reminders of the SmartBoard lesson.  This may be attributed to his low reading levels and comprehension abilities.  
  10. Student C.M. - This student was in the partnership that performed extremely well. He is normally reluctant to participate in musical activities, but was really engaged during this time.  He created his body parts poster with Z.F. and was able to recall specific details only mentioned within SmartBoard lesson.  I attribute his success in this lesson to a high interest level in the topic and a very capable partnership with student Z.F.
  11. Student D.M. - This student performed above expectations in all areas and both my mentor teacher and I were thoroughly impressed with his achievement throughout this lesson.  He was partnered with student A.L, which proved to be a great partnership.  Student A.L was able to help this student, who normally has some behavior issues and they were able to collaborate effectively.  Although they were missing a label and had a misconception, D.M.’s ability to work with another student was a huge step in this student’s achievement.  
  12. Student H.M. - TARGET STUDENT - This student was partnered with G.D. and performed very well in all areas.  He was engaged at all times during the lesson and completed his personal objective of repeatedly reading the vocabulary words, without error.  I think that his proximity to the SmartBoard within this lesson, as well as the partnership with student G.D were the major causes for his success in this lesson. 
  13. Student Y.M. - This student had huge difficulty with the majority of this lesson.  During the musical portion, although she was engaged, she had trouble following the directions of the songs.  During independent practice, she proved to have a great deal of trouble focusing and completing the poster.  She was difficult to work with for the target student, M.K. she was paired with and scribbled all over the poster.  This was confusing for me because although she has high distractibility issues, she normally performs exceedingly well in activities.  I attribute her lack of achievement to the high independence that this lesson offers.  This student needs more structure in future lessons.  
  14. Student L.M - This student did a very good job in all areas of this lesson.  She normally has a lot of difficulty with focus, but during this lesson, was focused and on task.  She worked well with her partner and engaged in all activities at a successful level.  I think the partnership she was in was very beneficial for her learning. 
  15. Student G.R. - This student is one of our very creative and artistic students.  He normally performs very well on tasks and did so in this lesson also.  I think that the artistic aspect that this lesson offered provided for a great deal of engagement for this student. 
  16. Student I.R. - This student was not as engaged during the musical portion of this lesson and remained unenthusiastic about the activity.  However, during the independent portion, she proved to be a mentor and leader for lowered leveled student L.G.  She did very well with the partnership because she was able to mentor a student which is a role she is normally not put in.  
  17. Student D.S. - This student is consistently a high achiever within the classroom.  She performs well above expectations on every assignment.  In this lesson, she continued to perform extremely well.  I think that this can be attributed to the student’s desire to always do well in school.
  18. Student A.V. - This student is normally disengaged during musical activities but performed very well in this lesson today, through all parts.  I think that the partnership with the artistic student G.R. was a big factor in this student’s success. 
  19. Student T.Y. - This student was partnered with our very high leveled D.S.  The partnership proved to be very effective in propelling student T.Y. to succeed to the higher leveled student’s level.  

Summary of Conclusions

Summary of Conclusions
Through the implementation of this lesson, I was able to draw a number of conclusions about my future practices as a teacher.  In terms of teaching and learning, the results from my lesson and my students’ achievement helped me to formulate a number of ideas to influence my beliefs.  I learned that the feedback administered is vital to student perception of their progress.  Throughout this lesson, I really hoped to focus my feedback to my students on giving the students’ information to help them understand their learning.  In the article by Susan Brookhart entitled, “Feedback that Fits,” the author states that giving students appropriate feedback allows them to take charge of their learning and understand that they control their own progress.  I tried to focus my feedback on helping the students clarify their own misconceptions rather than simply informing them of them.  Additionally,  when focusing on my conclusions of teaching and learning, I was able to determine that checking for all student understanding is vital when conducting an effective lesson from start to finish.  One of the things that was a big concern to me during this lesson was that the students would be overloaded with the volume of material presented within the lesson.  This lesson was heavy loaded in terms of content and it was a concern of mine that the students, especially those that normally struggle would have trouble meeting the standards at the same level as their peers.  Going into the day with these concerns and a realistic outlook on the level of material within the lesson, I feel that I was better prepared to ensure that I was actively checking for all student understanding throughout the lesson.  In an excerpt taken from the book, “Effort and Excellence in Urban Classrooms” by Corbett, et all., the author stresses the need to check for student understanding as a way to both keep students positive about learning and to fix problems before they impede learning.  While this strategy is recommended for increasing achievement in inner city schools, it rings true that it will be effective in all classrooms.  My students responded very well to the constant probing that I implemented and I was able to monitor student understanding before sending them into independent practice.  
Through this lesson study, I have also found the incalculable benefit of achievement motivation strategies within the classroom.  Although I have always tried to make my lessons engaging and interesting, I never gave much thought to the different ways that I could specifically increase motivation for the students to achieve.  Focusing on allowing students to engage in a number of activities that each highlight different learning styles helped all of the students to demonstrate success in one way or another.  The students were focused on the enjoyment of the tasks and thus, wanted to achieve.  Not only did this implementation give me some insight into the benefits of incorporating different types of activities for increased motivation, but it also allowed for more meaningful methods of assessment.  The article in Educational Leadership, entitled “The Rest of the Story” by Thomas R. Gushey, the author writes  that “effective corrective activities engage students differently in learning.  They consider different learning styles or modalities.” (Guskey 30.)  The formative assessments that were conducted prior to this lesson allowed me to evaluate that a change was needed within our normal lessons to make learning more effective.  I wanted to develop the “Body Parts Lesson” with corrective activities that would help clarify prior misconceptions about life cycles, ensure that prior knowledge was accessed effectively,  and ensure that the students had an engaging independent activity to make learning meaningful.  These were all areas that were lacking in previous lessons and through the different types of activities provided within this lesson, I believe that not only were children able to learn new material, they were also able to cement understanding of previous lessons on similar concepts.  I learned that assessment needs to be completed in a variety of styles that allow all students to showcase knowledge.  Conclusions following this lesson have allowed me to incorporate new beliefs and practices into my ideas about teaching overall.  I plan on using what I learned from this lesson to influence the rest of the lessons that I design for this group of students and my future students.  

Lesson Study Explanations

Lesson Study Explanations
  1. Achievement Motivation Strategies - 
There were two specific achievement motivation strategies implemented within this lesson.  Using modeling, guided practice, and additional time to scaffold students was a group of strategies that were used to ensure students achieved mastery of the content.  The students were guided through the drawing of each of the first 2 body parts on their poster together as a group so that they could understand the task at hand.  Gradually, they were scaffolded into completing the remaining parts: skeleton and muscles completely independently without teacher instruction or guidance.  Additionally, this lesson was designed to fit into one 45 minute science block but was pushed to 1 hour and 20 minutes to allow the students to complete their posters, add details that they wished and participate in the body parts song a few more time, per their request.  The additional time provided for a much more meaningful experience for the students.  Another achievement motivation strategy that was included in this lesson was the use of fun and game like activities to boost the interest level of the students.  The students were able to engage and dance with a song that is similar to those  that they hear on the radio and were allowed a great deal of freedom within the song to express themselves in a variety of ways.  The students enjoyed this part of the lesson so much that they asked to interact with the song numerous times after the lesson was completed.  Also, creating the life size body posters was also a game like activity for them.  They had a great time tracing one another and creating such a large artifact.  
  1. Communication Strategies - 
During the explicit instruction and guided practice portion of the lesson, the students were able to both demonstrate knowledge and ask questions through use of the SmartBoard and interactive modules within the presentation.  They were able to come to the board to manipulate different aspects of the lesson.  They were able to verbalize their understanding as they were called on and were also able to call on a friend for assistance if they had questions that a classmate could answer.  During independent practice, through the use of two teachers, the students were able to each participate in individual conferencing to demonstrate their knowledge and clarify misconceptions.  The teachers ensured that each student was thoroughly interviewed to ensure maximum retention from all students.  The different communication strategies within this lesson allowed for the students to demonstrate their learning a variety of ways and with a variety of options.  Although some of them may have struggled with one area of communicating, the varied number of options allowed for them to excel and demonstrate learning.

Student Work

Students Z.F. and C.M. - Excellent 

Students D.S. and T.Y. - Excellent
Students A.V. and G.R. - Excellent
Students H.M. and G.D. - Excellent 
Students L.M. and T.L. - Excellent 
Students I.R. and L.G. - Satisfactory

Students P.B. and E.K. - Satisfactory

Students D.M. and A.L. - Satisfactory
Students M.K. and Y.M. - Unsatisfactory

Chart of Student Achievement of Objectives

*Students will engage and perform in “Body Parts Dance,” following along with corresponding kinetic movements that correspond with sung instructions.              Key: Excellent - Students followed all of song directions, while maintaining interest level and enthusiasm, Satisfactory - Students followed some directions of song lyrics, while maintaining some motivation in completing task,          Unsatisfactory - Student chose not to participate in dance movements and neglected to attempt task at all.
*Students will create life-size body parts poster, labeling each body part: brain, heart, lungs, stomach, muscles and skeleton with 100% accuracy.                       Key: Excellent - Students each worked on completing half of the body with their partner, labels were all correctly spelled and in correct area of said part, body parts were drawn with evident attempt in approximate accurate location on body,                                               Satisfactory - Students demonstrated some struggle working in pairings and sharing responsibility, some labels were either misspelled or mislabeled, some body parts were drawn in inaccurate location on body poster,   Unsatisfactory - Student was repeatedly reminded to complete work with partner, labels were either missing, misspelled repeatedly or completely unrelated to naming body part, body parts were not drawn in even close proximity to actual location
*Students will be able to verbalize the 4 basic stages of the life cycle of humans with 100% accuracy.  Excellent - Students were able to recall four major stages of human life cycle: baby, child, teen, adult with minimal guidance and scaffolding,                   Satisfactory - Students were able to recall 3 of 4 major stages of human life cycle with some assistance,                Unsatisfactory - Students were unable to recall more than 1 or 2 stages of human life cycle and/or needed extreme probing or guidance

Excellent - was actively engaged at all times during dance and participated with all movements.  Also showed a great deal of enthusiasm throughout.
Excellent/Satisfactory - was partnered with student E.K., struggled to work cooperatively with student of lower ability, became frustrated at times and took over majority of work, failed to allow student to participate adequately, labels were correctly created and drawn, some confusion with muscles vs bones location. 
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - was engaged and active during all parts of song, actively listened to complete correct movements.
Excellent - was partnered with student G.D., interactive and engaged throughout all of drawings and labeling, all labels were successfully completed and placed, body parts were all drawn to scale and in appropriate location, heart was somewhat hidden, but was labeled and located with student clarification 
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - demonstrated enthusiasm and excitement throughout entirety of song and dance.  Completed all required movements with elevated motivation
Excellent - was partnered with student Z.F., both worked amazingly well together and went above and beyond in all areas, created extra labels for body parts, not required, drew parts in extreme detail and completely to scale, intense details drawn and extra effort was evident
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
N/A - was in speech intervention during this portion of the lesson 
Excellent - was partnered with student I.R., proved to be a great partner with higher leveled student and was surprising great partnership, labels were accurately written and placed, body parts were drawn accurately with the exception of an enlarged brain, effort was made by both students and creativity was evident. 
Satisfactory - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle with some guidance and reminding of the vocabulary word “stages”
Unsatisfactory - was disengaged an disinterested in completing the dance portion of lesson, chose to remain seated during the duration of all repeats of the song 
Excellent/Satisfactory - was partnered with student P.B., struggled to work cooperatively with student of higher ability, became disengaged at times and wandered off to investigate other groups , failed to demonstrate sufficient effort in working with partner, however, labels were correctly created and drawn, some confusion with muscles vs bones location. 
Satisfactory - student was able to recall 3 out of 4 stages of life cycle with minimal guidance, leaving out “teenager” stage
Excellent - was shy at first about dancing in front of other students, stayed towards the back of room, but worked through all movements
Excellent - was partnered with student Y.M, which created a great deal of frustration for her, handled cooperative work very patiently and worked to reason with her about mistakes, wrote and applied all labels and drew brain and lungs successfully in appropriate location
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - was engaged and enthusiastic during song, repeated all movements and interacted pleasantly with other students 
Satisfactory - was partnered with student D.M., successfully worked together, missing one label: lungs, drew misconception of muscles on outside of body poster, after probing, realized that this was a mistake in their drawing but were aware that muscles are found inside the body 
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - completed all movements according to song lyrics and was engaged, shy but put forth a great deal of effort 
Excellent - was partnered with student L.M., cooperatively worked together throughout entire lesson, labels were successfully written: one misspelling and placed in correct location, body parts are all drawn in approximate location with correct shape and coloring
Satisfactory - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle with some guidance and probing to recall the SmartBoard slide on human life cycle
Excellent - student is normally loathe to participate in dancing activities, but showed increased motivation and effort during today’s song, participated thoroughly
Excellent - was partnered with student Z.F., both worked amazingly well together and went above and beyond in all areas, created extra labels for body parts, not required, drew parts in extreme detail and completely to scale, intense details drawn and extra effort was evident
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - another student that normally refrains from any dancing during class was very involved in this particular song, created fun and unique ways to dance while moving the body parts indicated by song
Satisfactory - was partnered with student A.L., successfully worked together, missing one label: lungs, drew misconception of muscles on outside of body poster, after probing, realized that this was a mistake in their drawing but were aware that muscles are found inside the body 
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - normally a student that refrains from dancing, was shy, but completed all movements in good spirits and with complete accuracy
Excellent - was partnered with student G.D., interactive and engaged throughout all of drawings and labeling, all labels were successfully completed and placed, body parts were all drawn to scale and in appropriate location, heart was somewhat hidden, but was labeled and located with student clarification 
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Satisfactory - although this student was actively involved in dancing, she did not follow directions by listening to song lyrics, was in and out of following said movements
Unsatisfactory - was partnered with student M.K., was difficult to work with and resistant to cooperation, scribbled all over body and drew parts in inaccurate location, despite opinions of partner, demonstrated lack of focus and difficulty working in pairing 
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - engaged and interacted with all parts of song, was enthusiastic and motivated
Excellent - was partnered with student T.L., cooperatively worked together throughout entire lesson, labels were successfully written: one misspelling and placed in correct location, body parts are all drawn in approximate location with correct shape and coloring
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - completed all dance movements and was creative in interpretations, engaged and interacted with all parts of song
Excellent - was partnered with student A.V., engaged and interacted collaboratively throughout whole independent practice, labels were completed and placed in correct location, body parts were all drawn sufficiently, poster showed creativity and effort 
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Satisfactory - remained somewhat defiant and unenthusiastic as other students participated, mimed movements but did not put forth sufficient effort  
Excellent - was partnered with student L.G., proved to be a great leader for lower leveled student and was surprising role model, labels were accurately written and placed, body parts were drawn accurately with the exception of an enlarged brain, effort was made by both students and creativity was evident. 
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - was shy about engaging in dance at first, but was able complete movements in enjoyable manner and with complete accuracy
Excellent - was partnered with student T.Y., worked very well together and engaged pleasantly to share responsibility of work, very neat, clean drawings and labels, body parts were drawn in correct shape and location, although student D.S. had to leave for gifted class during independent practice, T.Y. worked strenuously to complete work alone sufficiently   
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - another student who is normally disengaged during dances but was engaged and followed all movements 
Excellent - was partnered with student G.R., engaged and interacted collaboratively throughout whole independent practice, labels were completed and placed in correct location, body parts were all drawn sufficiently, poster showed creativity and effort 
Satisfactory - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle with some scaffolding into the fact that all life cycles we have discussed have had 4 explicit stages, initially forgot that there were 4 stages 
Excellent - another student who is normally disengaged during dances but was engaged and followed all movements 
Excellent - was partnered with student D.S., worked very well together and engaged pleasantly to share responsibility of work, very neat, clean drawings and labels, body parts were drawn in correct shape and location, although student D.S. had to leave for gifted class during independent practice, T.Y. worked strenuously to complete work alone sufficiently   
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle