Sunday, November 13, 2011

Chart of Student Achievement of Objectives

*Students will engage and perform in “Body Parts Dance,” following along with corresponding kinetic movements that correspond with sung instructions.              Key: Excellent - Students followed all of song directions, while maintaining interest level and enthusiasm, Satisfactory - Students followed some directions of song lyrics, while maintaining some motivation in completing task,          Unsatisfactory - Student chose not to participate in dance movements and neglected to attempt task at all.
*Students will create life-size body parts poster, labeling each body part: brain, heart, lungs, stomach, muscles and skeleton with 100% accuracy.                       Key: Excellent - Students each worked on completing half of the body with their partner, labels were all correctly spelled and in correct area of said part, body parts were drawn with evident attempt in approximate accurate location on body,                                               Satisfactory - Students demonstrated some struggle working in pairings and sharing responsibility, some labels were either misspelled or mislabeled, some body parts were drawn in inaccurate location on body poster,   Unsatisfactory - Student was repeatedly reminded to complete work with partner, labels were either missing, misspelled repeatedly or completely unrelated to naming body part, body parts were not drawn in even close proximity to actual location
*Students will be able to verbalize the 4 basic stages of the life cycle of humans with 100% accuracy.  Excellent - Students were able to recall four major stages of human life cycle: baby, child, teen, adult with minimal guidance and scaffolding,                   Satisfactory - Students were able to recall 3 of 4 major stages of human life cycle with some assistance,                Unsatisfactory - Students were unable to recall more than 1 or 2 stages of human life cycle and/or needed extreme probing or guidance

Excellent - was actively engaged at all times during dance and participated with all movements.  Also showed a great deal of enthusiasm throughout.
Excellent/Satisfactory - was partnered with student E.K., struggled to work cooperatively with student of lower ability, became frustrated at times and took over majority of work, failed to allow student to participate adequately, labels were correctly created and drawn, some confusion with muscles vs bones location. 
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - was engaged and active during all parts of song, actively listened to complete correct movements.
Excellent - was partnered with student G.D., interactive and engaged throughout all of drawings and labeling, all labels were successfully completed and placed, body parts were all drawn to scale and in appropriate location, heart was somewhat hidden, but was labeled and located with student clarification 
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - demonstrated enthusiasm and excitement throughout entirety of song and dance.  Completed all required movements with elevated motivation
Excellent - was partnered with student Z.F., both worked amazingly well together and went above and beyond in all areas, created extra labels for body parts, not required, drew parts in extreme detail and completely to scale, intense details drawn and extra effort was evident
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
N/A - was in speech intervention during this portion of the lesson 
Excellent - was partnered with student I.R., proved to be a great partner with higher leveled student and was surprising great partnership, labels were accurately written and placed, body parts were drawn accurately with the exception of an enlarged brain, effort was made by both students and creativity was evident. 
Satisfactory - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle with some guidance and reminding of the vocabulary word “stages”
Unsatisfactory - was disengaged an disinterested in completing the dance portion of lesson, chose to remain seated during the duration of all repeats of the song 
Excellent/Satisfactory - was partnered with student P.B., struggled to work cooperatively with student of higher ability, became disengaged at times and wandered off to investigate other groups , failed to demonstrate sufficient effort in working with partner, however, labels were correctly created and drawn, some confusion with muscles vs bones location. 
Satisfactory - student was able to recall 3 out of 4 stages of life cycle with minimal guidance, leaving out “teenager” stage
Excellent - was shy at first about dancing in front of other students, stayed towards the back of room, but worked through all movements
Excellent - was partnered with student Y.M, which created a great deal of frustration for her, handled cooperative work very patiently and worked to reason with her about mistakes, wrote and applied all labels and drew brain and lungs successfully in appropriate location
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - was engaged and enthusiastic during song, repeated all movements and interacted pleasantly with other students 
Satisfactory - was partnered with student D.M., successfully worked together, missing one label: lungs, drew misconception of muscles on outside of body poster, after probing, realized that this was a mistake in their drawing but were aware that muscles are found inside the body 
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - completed all movements according to song lyrics and was engaged, shy but put forth a great deal of effort 
Excellent - was partnered with student L.M., cooperatively worked together throughout entire lesson, labels were successfully written: one misspelling and placed in correct location, body parts are all drawn in approximate location with correct shape and coloring
Satisfactory - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle with some guidance and probing to recall the SmartBoard slide on human life cycle
Excellent - student is normally loathe to participate in dancing activities, but showed increased motivation and effort during today’s song, participated thoroughly
Excellent - was partnered with student Z.F., both worked amazingly well together and went above and beyond in all areas, created extra labels for body parts, not required, drew parts in extreme detail and completely to scale, intense details drawn and extra effort was evident
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - another student that normally refrains from any dancing during class was very involved in this particular song, created fun and unique ways to dance while moving the body parts indicated by song
Satisfactory - was partnered with student A.L., successfully worked together, missing one label: lungs, drew misconception of muscles on outside of body poster, after probing, realized that this was a mistake in their drawing but were aware that muscles are found inside the body 
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - normally a student that refrains from dancing, was shy, but completed all movements in good spirits and with complete accuracy
Excellent - was partnered with student G.D., interactive and engaged throughout all of drawings and labeling, all labels were successfully completed and placed, body parts were all drawn to scale and in appropriate location, heart was somewhat hidden, but was labeled and located with student clarification 
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Satisfactory - although this student was actively involved in dancing, she did not follow directions by listening to song lyrics, was in and out of following said movements
Unsatisfactory - was partnered with student M.K., was difficult to work with and resistant to cooperation, scribbled all over body and drew parts in inaccurate location, despite opinions of partner, demonstrated lack of focus and difficulty working in pairing 
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - engaged and interacted with all parts of song, was enthusiastic and motivated
Excellent - was partnered with student T.L., cooperatively worked together throughout entire lesson, labels were successfully written: one misspelling and placed in correct location, body parts are all drawn in approximate location with correct shape and coloring
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - completed all dance movements and was creative in interpretations, engaged and interacted with all parts of song
Excellent - was partnered with student A.V., engaged and interacted collaboratively throughout whole independent practice, labels were completed and placed in correct location, body parts were all drawn sufficiently, poster showed creativity and effort 
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Satisfactory - remained somewhat defiant and unenthusiastic as other students participated, mimed movements but did not put forth sufficient effort  
Excellent - was partnered with student L.G., proved to be a great leader for lower leveled student and was surprising role model, labels were accurately written and placed, body parts were drawn accurately with the exception of an enlarged brain, effort was made by both students and creativity was evident. 
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - was shy about engaging in dance at first, but was able complete movements in enjoyable manner and with complete accuracy
Excellent - was partnered with student T.Y., worked very well together and engaged pleasantly to share responsibility of work, very neat, clean drawings and labels, body parts were drawn in correct shape and location, although student D.S. had to leave for gifted class during independent practice, T.Y. worked strenuously to complete work alone sufficiently   
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle
Excellent - another student who is normally disengaged during dances but was engaged and followed all movements 
Excellent - was partnered with student G.R., engaged and interacted collaboratively throughout whole independent practice, labels were completed and placed in correct location, body parts were all drawn sufficiently, poster showed creativity and effort 
Satisfactory - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle with some scaffolding into the fact that all life cycles we have discussed have had 4 explicit stages, initially forgot that there were 4 stages 
Excellent - another student who is normally disengaged during dances but was engaged and followed all movements 
Excellent - was partnered with student D.S., worked very well together and engaged pleasantly to share responsibility of work, very neat, clean drawings and labels, body parts were drawn in correct shape and location, although student D.S. had to leave for gifted class during independent practice, T.Y. worked strenuously to complete work alone sufficiently   
Excellent - student was able to recall 4/4 stages of life cycle

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