Sunday, November 13, 2011

Analysis of Student Learning

Analysis of Student Learning 
  1. Student P.B. - This student normally performs exceptionally well in every task and was able to do so in this lesson during the independent activities.  Unfortunately, she had a little trouble engaging with her partner during the creation of the body parts posters.  Their finished work was not unsatisfactory, but their cooperation during this activity was disappointing.  Although my mentor teacher and I considered grouping styles prior to beginning this lesson, it seems we misjudged this particular student’s ability to mentor a lower leveled peer.  
  2. Student G.D. - This student performed on an excellent level throughout all parts of the lesson.  She interacted well with her partner, who was a second grader at a slightly lower level and a target student, H.M.  She demonstrated knowledge of all body parts and was able to recall the four stages of a human life cycle.  Her proximity to the SmartBoard during independent practice was fairly close and her partnership with this particular target student were clearly of benefit.
  3. Student Z.F. - This student performed exceptionally well on this lesson and was within the partnership that far surpassed teacher expectations.  This student, who normally has some trouble working well with others, performed amazingly well with this individual student, C.M.  Again, a lot of thought was put into groupings, so this was clearly one where efforts paid off.  In addition, the interest level of the subject matter for both students seemed to really propel their learning and success on this lesson.  Both said they loved learning about the human body and that they want to be doctors when they grow up.  
  4. Student L.G. - This student, who is of a normal lowered level ability and motivation, did very well during the collaborative poster creation portion of this lesson.  She was paired with student I.R., who also normally has lowered motivation.  My mentor teacher and I hoped that the two working together would allow for a relation between the two to begin and a spur of desire to achieve.  This seemed to be accomplished with this lesson, during this portion.  However, when it came to verbalization of the parts of the life cycle, this student did not perform as well as hoped.  She was much more competent with the mentoring of the other student to support her. 
  5. Student E.K. - This student failed to participate in the dance portion of the lesson.  This may be due to the fact that a number of the older boys in class usually chose to disengage and remain seated during musical activities. Although these students did participate, student E.K. did not.  In addition, he was paired with student P.B., which did not prove to be a suitable match.  He was also able to verbalize the stages of the life cycle at a 3 out of 4 rating.  I think that the level of the material, the grouping, and his social standing within the classroom attributed to his performance.  It must also be noted that he is a new student in our room.  
  6. Student M.K. - TARGET STUDENT - This student did very well during all portions of this lesson, especially within her specific objective of correctly spelling and writing each vocabulary word discussed.  She was put in a very difficult partnership with a student that had surprising difficulty with the creation of the body parts poster.  However, she demonstrated learning of all areas and during all parts of the lesson, through perseverance and dedication towards working through issues within the partnership.  She did very well with the partnership she was placed in.  
  7. Student K.K. - TARGET STUDENT - This student was unfortunately absent the day this lesson was implemented.  
  8. Student A.L. - This student performed excellent during the body parts song and recalling the four different life stages of a human life cycle.  She performed satisfactory during the independent portion of the lesson.  She was partnered with student D.M and while they successfully worked together to complete the poster, their final product left out one label and creation of one body part and had a misconception of correct location of muscles.  After probing, they realized their mistake.  I think that this can be attributed to their limited prior knowledge of the content. 
  9. Student T.L. - This student performed exceptionally well in the body parts dance and poster creation.  This students is one of our lower leveled students and normally has a great deal of trouble contributing during group activities.  However, the partnership worked very well and both students contributed to the creation of the poster.  This student performed satisfactory only when questioned on the human life cycle, and needed some reminders of the SmartBoard lesson.  This may be attributed to his low reading levels and comprehension abilities.  
  10. Student C.M. - This student was in the partnership that performed extremely well. He is normally reluctant to participate in musical activities, but was really engaged during this time.  He created his body parts poster with Z.F. and was able to recall specific details only mentioned within SmartBoard lesson.  I attribute his success in this lesson to a high interest level in the topic and a very capable partnership with student Z.F.
  11. Student D.M. - This student performed above expectations in all areas and both my mentor teacher and I were thoroughly impressed with his achievement throughout this lesson.  He was partnered with student A.L, which proved to be a great partnership.  Student A.L was able to help this student, who normally has some behavior issues and they were able to collaborate effectively.  Although they were missing a label and had a misconception, D.M.’s ability to work with another student was a huge step in this student’s achievement.  
  12. Student H.M. - TARGET STUDENT - This student was partnered with G.D. and performed very well in all areas.  He was engaged at all times during the lesson and completed his personal objective of repeatedly reading the vocabulary words, without error.  I think that his proximity to the SmartBoard within this lesson, as well as the partnership with student G.D were the major causes for his success in this lesson. 
  13. Student Y.M. - This student had huge difficulty with the majority of this lesson.  During the musical portion, although she was engaged, she had trouble following the directions of the songs.  During independent practice, she proved to have a great deal of trouble focusing and completing the poster.  She was difficult to work with for the target student, M.K. she was paired with and scribbled all over the poster.  This was confusing for me because although she has high distractibility issues, she normally performs exceedingly well in activities.  I attribute her lack of achievement to the high independence that this lesson offers.  This student needs more structure in future lessons.  
  14. Student L.M - This student did a very good job in all areas of this lesson.  She normally has a lot of difficulty with focus, but during this lesson, was focused and on task.  She worked well with her partner and engaged in all activities at a successful level.  I think the partnership she was in was very beneficial for her learning. 
  15. Student G.R. - This student is one of our very creative and artistic students.  He normally performs very well on tasks and did so in this lesson also.  I think that the artistic aspect that this lesson offered provided for a great deal of engagement for this student. 
  16. Student I.R. - This student was not as engaged during the musical portion of this lesson and remained unenthusiastic about the activity.  However, during the independent portion, she proved to be a mentor and leader for lowered leveled student L.G.  She did very well with the partnership because she was able to mentor a student which is a role she is normally not put in.  
  17. Student D.S. - This student is consistently a high achiever within the classroom.  She performs well above expectations on every assignment.  In this lesson, she continued to perform extremely well.  I think that this can be attributed to the student’s desire to always do well in school.
  18. Student A.V. - This student is normally disengaged during musical activities but performed very well in this lesson today, through all parts.  I think that the partnership with the artistic student G.R. was a big factor in this student’s success. 
  19. Student T.Y. - This student was partnered with our very high leveled D.S.  The partnership proved to be very effective in propelling student T.Y. to succeed to the higher leveled student’s level.  

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